Haulers cost for junk removal in Winchester VA
Hauling can be a big task and with the population of Winchester VA being approximately 27,897 there is alot of items to haul such as furniture carpet, metal, appliances, gun safes, construction debris, dressers, boxes and more. Hulk Haulers VA is equipped to help you get the junk removed. Cost vary depending on the amount of items sometimes square footage and weight. You may want to consider if you have rough terrain or stairs you will most likely pay an additional cost.
Cost of junk removal
A small pile of debris/ junk 10ft x 13ft (130 square feet) will typically range from $225 to $300.
A medium size pile of junk "12ft x 18ft" (216 square feet) will typically cost $350 - $475.
A large pile of junk "15ft x 20+ft" (300 Square feet) $600 - $900
Any thing larger than that can be into the $1000+ range
These prices range by weight and the time it could take to remove the debris!