Haulers | Moving and junk removal | Martinsburg WV
When looking for haulers your looking for quality efficiency and fair prices. The best way to save cost is to have the items stored outside and ready for pick up. If the haulers need to bag items, haul junk up or down stairs or even sort through items you will be expected to pay for their time. Its fair if you think about it you pay a plumber for there time or a demolition contractor! Why should it be any different for your hard working removal or moving service guys. So if you would like to save cost cut down the amount of time a hauler will be working on site!
Cost of Junk Removal|Martinsburg VA | Hulk Haulers VA
A small pile of debris/ junk 10ft x 13ft (130 square feet) will typically range from $225 to $300.
A medium size pile of junk "12ft x 18ft" (216 square feet) will typically cost $350 - $475.
A large pile of junk "15ft x 20+ft" (300 Square feet) $600 - $900
Any thing larger than that can be into the $1000+ range
These prices range by weight and the time it could take to remove the debris!